Reflexology Foot Massage
In Foot Reflexology Massage (FRM), the foot is initially prepared with gentle strokes, allowing the body to respond optimally to the subsequent pressure point treatment. The healing effects of Foot Reflexology Massage are particularly beneficial for individuals with a high level of stress.

Reflex Zone Therapy: Holistic Healing through Pressure Massage on the Foot
Reflex zone therapy is based on a holistic understanding of the body, where all body parts are interconnected. The foot acts as a miniaturised map that reflects the entire body and its ailments. By applying targeted pressure massage at specific points on the foot, both physical and emotional issues throughout the body can be addressed and alleviated. Thus, the foot becomes the key to the overall well-being of the entire body.
Uses of Foot Reflexology Massage
For relaxation and well-being
Strengthens the immune system
Psychosomatic complaints
Organ-related issues